Friday, March 18, 2011

Attention Seeking

The truth that many human beings have thought about in their life, but have never had the courage to share this out loud. Attention. What is attention? What makes attention so special? Why do humans have a connection with attention? These questions can never be answered in life, no matter who you are, or where you stand in life. 

Every single man or woman or child on this planet seeks for attention. There are many ways to seek for this public awareness: everything from the most basic and straight forward act of jumping up and down in the midst of a crowd, to winning a race, and even as simple as just hiding from everyone else. It is argued that this awareness is not being wanted by everyone in the world, because some are actually hiding from the public because they don't want the attention or spot light to shine upon them. This is a logical thought; however, hiding in itself is attention seeking. 

How is attention caught? What makes one stand out from the crowd is how they achieve attention. There are those who openly express themselves to gain notice. There are also those who hide themselves, and it is through their absence that attention is found. Yet at the same time, those who are constantly blending in with the crowd, or conforming may be the ones who society now sees as the "non-attention seekers". But once again, this is false. For the people who attempts to conform and blend withe the remainder of the community, they are receiving notice still, and the difference is that they are very specific and wants the attention of their fellow colleagues. These colleagues will at least faintly observe how the attention seeker is similar to them. This slight surveillance is the aim of the attention seeker.

In this, it is hopeful that the large community do not hide this, but instead embrace their conscious (or sometimes unconscious) act. This is what everyone else in the world is doing as well, so you will receive the attention you want, and as you notice people noticing you, you will help them gain the attention they desire. Making the world, a happier place. 

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