Monday, November 1, 2010

How to Save Your Best Guy Friend From Becoming Whipped

I have a lot of friends. Well, let me rephrase: I know a lot of people who don't want to kill me. Much better. Half of my friends are guys. That's too many. All any guy needs is four male friends. One to pick up ladies. One to drive. One to let you know all the crucial sports information you might have missed. And one to take the blame when things go south. God bless that guy. I'd be doin' solitary in Montreal if it weren't for that fine upstanding gentleman.
Anyway, most of my guy friends at one time or another have had a girlfriend. Except for my weird friend from high school who refuses to do anything about his odor problem, which has just been upgraded from nuisance and is wandering into "FUCKIN' DISASTER" territory. I've seen my friends grow from relationship to relationship, and all too often I see the greatest scourge one can witness of a dear friend: the curse of the whipped.
Every guy is in some way whipped to a point, and will be until they invent a vagina attachment for the PS2. I'm not talking about that. I mean the guy who would lay down in traffic for his woman while she's driving a semi. Here are ten signs your best pal is whipped and needs your help.
Ten Signs Your Best Pal is Whipped
1. The Hip-Attachment
He never goes anywhere without her. Bars. Strip clubs. Bruins games. The urologist. It's a particular problem when she's the only girl, because it completely throws off the whole dynamic of "the guys." You can't get as drunk. The jokes can't be as dirty. And suddenly you realize your guy friends are fuckin' boring without beer and titty humor.
2. The Cash Cow
You ever go somewhere with your friend, and he always feels the need to buy her something. "Oh that reminds me of Sally. Oh I must buy it." You know who this guy is? This is the guy who always "forgets" that it's his turn to buy a round of drafts, cuz he's broke paying for his fiend of a woman.
3. The Moral Affliction
If you ever have the following dialogue with a friend, drive him to the state house and force him to return his testicles, he doesn't deserve them:
"Wow look at the ass on that!"
"Yeah, she is slammin'. I'd tap that shit!"
"Come on guys. Show a little respect."
Show a little respect? Listen, I don't know many things, but let me tell you this. Girls like that, they live for it. Oh, they try to fool you with remarks of "pig" and "slob" and "here's a restraining order." But they love it. Why else do girls wear jeans two sizes too short and six inch heels. Oh, for comfort? Get out of your fantasy world.
4. The PDA
Public displays of affection are the most earnest ways of destroying your friendships with others. If you are surrounded by others, you may not kiss, or even hold hands (what, is she going to fall down?). And please, if one of your friends does something stupid, DO NOT do that thing where you smile and hug each other as if to say, "God, we're so much better than that." That's how killing sprees start.
5. The Possessor
Some guys date girls who don't have names, at least according to them. This occurs when you hear bits of dialogue like this:
"My girlfriend is going bass fishing."
"My girlfriend's been to Paris."
"My girlfriend's rash finally cleared up."
Stop saying "my girlfriend." It's irritating and makes the poor unsuspecting woman sound like your latest novelty item. Not that there's anything wrong with objectifying woman, but when you're using it strictly as a means of self-pleasing, jerking off if you will, it's lame and contrived.
6. The Denial
It's such a grave insult to be called whipped that many guys claim they are not. "I'm not whipped motherfucker, I'LL KILL YOU! PLEASE BELIEVE ME! PLEASE BELIEVE ME! Ahh shit, baby just paged me, if I leave now, I can make it in time to massage her bunyans. AND I'M NOT FUCKING WHIPPED!!!"
7. The Uggo Complex
Now it's one thing to be whipped if your girlfriend is cute. I mean, if you have a nice car, a Ferrari perhaps, you want to keep it happy—oil changes, lube jobs, other auto terms as sexual innuendo metaphors. But if you're driving an '86 shitbox, who gives a shit if you use the Premium? In conclusion, if your bitch isn't better than unleaded, she ain't worth spending the extra time and money on the Plus. (Side note: 7,642 women just left this website after that line.)
8. The Life Changer
The saddest thing I've ever seen was a friend of mine who converted to being a Yankee fan because his girlfriend was. Damn tragedy. Made "Schindler's List" look like an episode of Mr. Bean. You do not change your ideals for a woman. Oh, sure you can change in little ways: start showering, doing laundry, stop trying to molest your dog. But you do not change interests, hobbies, and religions. And yes, the Red Sox are a religion. And Yankee fans are Satanists.
9. The Hoover
It's a terrible thing to lose a friend. But some guys do it to themselves. There are only so many times you can call a guy to come hang out and have him blow you off. Guys do not like getting blown by other guys, unless you're in prison or Maryland. I'm sorry, but Maryland is a really gay state.
10. The Lazarus
Some guys live like the Hoover for a few years, but time goes by and they eventually leave the princess of Darkness, and want to return to the group. Here are the four criteria for allowing a former Hoover back into the Circle.
A) From here on out, the ex will be referred to as "The Beast."
B) He owes everyone a beer for their troubles.
C) He must catch up, by himself, with no help from Sports Nut Guy, on all the information he missed while his dick was imprisoned.
D) He treats everyone to a hooker.
If you know or care about someone who is being whipped, please call 1.800.PUSSY.WHIPPED.BITCH. Because no one should live like that.

**quoted from**

Friday, October 15, 2010

Plates to a Relationship

Even though I may not be the best or most reliable person to hear relationship quotes from, cause I am definitely a (excuse the colloquialism) "noob" at this, but I still have my own opinion. This article hear is basically comparing how a relationship (with its many steps and stages) are similar to the stages of achieving one's driver's license. To explain this clearly, I'll use person A and person B as explanatory figures. And here it goes:

Throughout every relationship in the world (in this case, the relationship between a male and female) there are stages that are overcome slowly or quickly in order for the two agents of the event to reach their final conclusion of 'being together'. From this, it is arguable that relationships are similar to that of one's driving life. During someone's driving experience, the stages are (in order): 
- 'Ls' or Learner
- 'Ps' (red) or Red Probation
- 'Ps' (green) or Green Probation
- Full License

The L's
It is not too surprising that there is a learner stage of a relationship, similarly there are learner stages to everything in the world. The learner stage of a relationship is the time when 'A' slowly learns more about 'B', to find out if he/she is definite about their feelings towards 'B'. After the finalisation of this, 'A' will either:
- Tell 'B' about his/her feelings 
- 'B' will eventually find out. 
The awareness of the feelings of 'A' is the first step taken by 'B'. 'B' must also have feelings, and allow 'A' to acknowledge this for the completion of this stage of the relationship, moving to the next stage. 

The Red P's
This stage of the relationship is not too complex. In modern day society terms, this stage is simply known as 'A' and 'B' "see-ing each other". It is like the dipping of the toe into a pool, before jumping in; the sip of the drink before gulping it; the blurb of a book. The "seeing stage" is always shown and acknowledged to be a testing (or literal probation) stage of every relationship. It allows both parties to learn more about the other, and a bit about themselves, to see if they are well suited for each other before the start dating each other, usually a very quick stage (same as the Red P's of driving), sometimes even skipped.

The Green P's
Same as driving, this stage and the "full license" stage are pretty much the same. This stage of the relationship is when the two parties admits for their feelings towards each other, and also believe that they are well suited for each other. In colloquial terms, this is known as 'dating'. The dating level of a relationship is... self explanatory. Everyone knows what this stage is like, and similarly to the Green P's of driving, up until now, it is the level with the longest period of time.

Full License
Full License! The never ending and final stage of every relationship. People wonder what else is there after dating someone, this is simply placed in one word: 'marriage'. The final step that can be taken in the love relationship between two individuals. The marriage of 'A' and 'B' is the biggest jump out of all the stages. This is the final committing and final level of the relationship. It is similar to that of the Green P's stage, except, instead of being called "boyfriend and girlfriend", they are now "husband and wife". The change in names and addition of other factors, like 100% commitment are the only factors that distinguish this stage and that of the previous level. This ending stage is the dream end for every couple in every relationship. But to accomplish their goal, up until this stage is harder done than said. It is due to the fact that there are many factors that may influence the reaching of this stage, and that pairs may not last up until this stage from the start.

Despite the stupidity of this, I just wanted to place the message out, that like driving, relationships are fun, yet requires strict guidelines to maintain and all; but still require step by step processing to be able to reach the final goal. The comparison between licenses and relationships just sounded very similar to me, resulting in this post, enjoy! =)

Friday, October 1, 2010


Instead of my usual theories, truths and such articles, today I'd like to advertise a book:


It is a good read for those who want to learn a bit more of modern day examples of incentives and other worldly human motivations to working. This book explores many ideas that may be seen as unbelievable or even false, but in fact are all true.

**Credits: courtesy of the friends who introduced this book to me

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Theory of Attractionem

'Attractionem' is the Latin term for the common modern day english word 'attraction'. Attraction is typically defined as two individuals (can be objects, people or animals) drawing nearer each other. The definition to accurately explain this theory, is the drawing closer of two people (either one sided or two).

The attraction between two (or more) people is a reoccurring segment of life. This interpersonal attraction can be done due to many reasons. One of these reasons is the one that will be discussed below. Human beings see that the magnetism between each other to be the fault of 'love' or some other humanoid emotion. However, this may not always be true.

The 'Theory of Attractionem' argues that the reason to why one may find another individual to be appealing, is due to their covetous nature. To elaborate, an agent may not find another individual to be desirable no matter how long they have been in contact for; however, the second that they are told that this individual is in fact alluring (from the voice of another), they immediately take this thought into consideration. The considering process of this new concept causes the agent to find this individual suddenly attractive, due to the simple reason of covet and wanting to maintain one's position and status in another's life.

For example:
Ryan was friends with Lucy for a number of years, and he never had any sense of desirability to be in a relationship with Lucy, other than that of pure friendship. Ryan's friend Paul meets Lucy for the first time, and states to Ryan that he finds Lucy 'pretty'. This unlocks a thought in Ryan's mind, and he slowly devours the new idea that Lucy is 'pretty'. Ryan's new idea then leads to him believing that he 'likes' Lucy. 
If noticed, Lucy only became noticeable to Ryan as a 'pretty' figure, after the thought from Paul struck him. This 'realisation' that Ryan has is due to the fact that he covet Lucy in the sense that he does not want Paul to 'take her away' from him. Which in turn allows it to be arguable that Ryan only 'likes' Lucy because he believes that his position with her is being threatened by the newly introduced Paul; and Ryan reacts to do this by modifying his feelings towards Lucy, to be that similar to Paul's and then magnifying it. 

This theory is simply a slight modification of that of Pheme's Theory, with a more precise recognition of emotions, than general ideas. 

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Pheme's Theory

In general, everyone in the world has heard at least one rumour throughout their life time about them. Pheme’s Theory is a hypothesis based upon the way humans treat and translate information that they are told. This type of information that is translated is commonly known as rumours.

Rumours are the type of information told by one person to another that spreads quickly throughout the population of people who are interrelated to the person that the gossip is about.
Most (nearly all) rumours  are news that have some sort of factual knowledge within them. The beginning of all rumours are true, making the only reason that rumours are considered as false knowledge is because they are overly exaggerated in comparison to the absolute veracity.

For example: “James is the size of a mountain.” The truth is that James is not the size of a mountain; however, he may just be a slightly chubby boy. Even though the rumour does not seem true at all, the fact that James is a slightly chubby boy is the truth that has been over exaggerated.

Pheme (also known as Ossa) is the Greek goddess of further communication, or messenger of Zeus. She is depicted with feathered wings and a trumpet. This goddess is said to enjoy prying and listening into the affairs of mortals and the gods. Her ability after learning of new information is to gossip on with a  slight whisper into another’s ears, and then this whisper slowly becomes louder and louder. This characteristic of hers causes Pheme to transform from the goddess of gossip into the goddess of rumours. The Roman equivalent of Pheme is Fama.

The Proposition
The proposition of Pheme’s Theory is about how a character accepts a rumour that they have recently heard, and how they translate it. There are many ways to how a new rumour is processed by the individual whom this gossip is about.
Firstly, the individual may become angry or upset because of the rumour due to their perspective of the hearsay. Some of these gossips that are continually brought up before the agent increases the initial emotions that the said individual obtained against the topic.
After a certain amount of time (different depending on each person, but definitely the period of time is considered as ‘long’ for the agent) the character becomes exhausted and simply accepts the teasing or complimenting that this rumour has upon them.
Furthermore, the tittle-tattle that has been spreading around the agent, after being accepted, becomes an idea that unconsciously enters the individual’s mind. At this point, human beings who allows the gossip to enter their minds, dwells on it. The individual thinks to themselves if the rumour is true or not. This doubt that arises in the mind of the agent has the potential to sprout into a thought that may be dubbed as the truth.
However, the second that the individual begins to dwell on whether the rumour is true or not, they themselves become confused on the credibility of this information. The confusion causes the agent to not be able to differentiate the difference between fact and false.

For Example: “James likes Gabby!” Given that James is the agent, his friends continuously spreads this rumour about him and his female friend Gabby. At first he rejects this idea because he believes that they are just friends. However, after a period of time, the teasing becomes so intense that James dies down into an exhausted mode, and simply accepts the fact that he can’t talk over his friends. Later, James thinks to himself about Gabby. He slowly develops feelings for her according to that of the rumour; but, James is unaware of the properties of the gossip (if its true or not). James then acts upon what he feels (which is the rumour, as humans are unable to control their own feelings), complicating his relationship status with Gabby (if they were close friends), or simply just follows the Nightmare.

Gossip is an age old weapon used by many people throughout their life time. A rumour has the ability to affect a person no matter how strong their guard is. Tittle-tattles have the potential ability to destroy an individual without a problem, given that it goes on for a long enough time to influence the agent into believing that the rumour may be true, placing them in a state of confusion. Therefore, even though rumours may seem harmless, their attacking ability is inevitably powerful.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Under That Smile

Human interaction is an inevitable part of society. Throughout all the hundreds and thousands of years where human interaction is present, first impressions are extremely important. First impression is the way that an agent ascribes an identity or description to an individual that they newly met. This description depends on the very first action and words that this new individual does and says, to the agent.  After the compilation of the first impression (usually done within seconds), the agent sees the individual and everything they do, based on this.

Furthermore, first impressions may be extremely important for the characterizing of a new individual within the agent’s memory database; however, there are other factors that influences that affects the description of the said individual. Factors such as becoming friends, watching their actions, or simply just sitting down chatting, may alter the characteristics used to describe the individual. After the inclusion of these factors, a complete characterization of the individual is formed. But, is this truly what the individual is like?

Modern day society is a place that contains many rules and regulations. These rules and regulations are simply complied as, the law and social standards. The law is a system that not only protects people from harm from others, but also from themselves. Despite this fact, the law is also a restrictive barrier. This barrier does not only change how people mentally think (i.e. some basic thoughts are derived from the law, such as murder is bad), but also how they act. While, social standards also does this to people, based on how society demands them to act in certain ways. Hence, the law and social standards creates a mask. A mask that is put on each person’s face from the second they wake up to the time they go to bed. Every person in society has this mask, and it is this mask that allows them go through everyday life without being noticed too much.

The mask that every human being has is given to them when they begin to be able to think (approximately a young toddler in age relation). When coming in interaction with another human being, this mask is on. The basic function of this mask is to protect the “true identity” and “true self” of each person. Each person’s true weaknesses are covered by the mask, so that it would not be shown to their surrounding environment and used against them. The wearing of the masks never get confused, as the automatic placing of the mask is activated depending on who they see, causing it to activate accordingly.

Within each new and different environment that a person is in, it is possible for them to have a different mask for that specific time. This thought describes how every individual have a number of different masks that they put on, change, and take off while in different scenarios in life. These masks are all different aspects of the individual, which causes the individual to be seen as “totally different” when in interaction with various groups of colleagues or peers. When with family, a person may act as a “good child” however, when with friends, it is possible for the agent to act as a “rebel child”.

Moreover, the more problems and weaknesses that a person has (meaning the more things they have to hide) is what causes their mask to increase in weight, making it harder and harder for them to wear it. Once the mask becomes too unbearable for an individual to place on, their mask shatters. The shattering of the mask can result in many scenarios. These scenarios includes that of the individual breaking down, such as not being able act normally for a period of time, until they have sufficient rest for the mask to reform. After a situation of a shattered mask and when one reforms their mask, one of two things happen:
1. their mask reforms and is reinforced with extra protection to last longer for the individual
2. it is also possible that the mask reforms, but with less reinforcement, making it harder for the individual to cope with and have the mask on or a longer period of time.

The compilation and usage of the mask is a common thing in society, as it is how society wants people to act. Everyone in the world displaying the mask, no matter if they are aware or unaware of it, as it is usually an automatic process. Therefore, the bearing of the mask is not something that people should be ashamed of doing, as it is possible to blame this on the social standards of modern society, as it is the social standards’ flaw to develop the need for this mask.

A quote that explains this easily and accurately is Shakespeare's:
"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts"

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Looking Depressed and Being Depressed

People of modern day society emphasizes on the term, “depress”. To be depressed, is the feeling of being dispirited or dejected (psychologically) as well as the reduction of level or strength of activity (physically). Depression is a topic that human beings don’t find amusing, this subject is usually (near always) taken seriously. However, the truth is that this does not always have to be the case. The reason to why there is actually no need to always take depression seriously, because there are two types of modern day “depression”: Looking Depressed and Being Depressed.

Looking Depressed and Being Depressed are different, yet similar at the exact same time. The similarities between the two are basically founded upon the thought that those who are Looking Depressed are acting according to how a person who is Being Depressed would do. They find the method of how to display themselves through doing basic research (e.g. internet, books, pamphlets). These researchers that are completed by the people who are within this state are those who have certain problems within life and wants to be noticed by peers, family, friends and their people within life. Symptoms that these people show includes:
-       Alienation (including ignorance with his/her surroundings)
-       Less energetic than usual (constant tiredness and sleepiness)
-       Sudden mood swings
-       Sudden periods of silence
-       Speaking tone dies down into a low and mono leveled tone
-       Self criticism and self blame
-       Talks about pessimistic topics.
Of course all these symptoms also occur with Being Depressed, as much as they do with Looking Depressed. The difference is that Being Depressed involves all of the following (and more) but it is not shown as much as that of Looking Depressed, as the individual in this state tries to hide the fact that they are depressed, rather than showing it (opposite to an individual in the Looking Depressed state).

Those who constantly show symptoms of depression are usually categorized within the sub-topic of Looking Depressed. These people may not be seen as being worth the effort as they are just looking depressed (meaning they are not literally depressed); however, they do this to find a sense of want, as people show a caring nature towards these people. Therefore, meaning that they are actually very sympathetic worthy people, whom need the presence of others to satisfy their need, because being in this state of Looking Depressed but not having anyone show care to them, there’s a high probability that they will end up moving into the Being Depressed stage. 

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Everybody's Truth

An article I found:

"This is the story of four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody.

There was an important job to be done and Everybody was asked to do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that, because it was Everybody's job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody would not do it. Consequently, it wound up that Nobody told Anybody, so Everybody blamed Somebody."

It is ironically funny how this is the truth in our society. But oh well, there's nothing that we can do. This is how life works.

--found in 'Business Jokes' section of "18 000 Cool Jokes" application of iPod touch--

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Organizing and Planning, How Hard Can It Be?

“Let’s go out!”
The beginning of every outing is for someone to state that phrase. After that phrase is stated, people go through a series of phases. These phases that people go through, results in many different scenarios. Scenarios such as the actual event going through as planned; the event going through with problems; no event being halted right at the last minute; and the event just not being able to make it to the stage of being executed. The series of phases can be simplified to just 5 stages. They are known as:
1. State
2. Joke
3. Planning
4. Organize
5. Event
To further simplify these steps, the common outing of movie watching will be placed throughout the article (at the end of each stage) to enable a better understanding.

1. State
The stage of stating is simple. This is basically when an idea is suddenly brought up by one of the members of the group. The new thought is thrown around in the group, with all members having their own opinion on it. If most or all members of the group who are present at this time all agree, the act will move to the next stage.
Example ->  J: “Hey guys! Let’s go watch a movie! Like… Happy Feet!”
            D & K: “YES! Let’s Go!”

2. Joke
As the name of the stage explains, this is a part of the cycle where every member of the group (no matter if they agree or disagree to the idea, as long as all those of the sub-group who were present in the “State Stage” agreed) makes some sort of humorous comment on the issue at hand. These jokes can both be of the positive and negative nature. The criteria for the event to occur after this stage, if at least 50% or more of the group took up the event seriously, and transitions into the “Planning Stage”.
Example ->  R: “I can imagine D coming out dancing like a penguin!”
                   D: “No way! More like J will!”
                   J: “Ha! Sure… Mr Happy Feet.”

3. Planning
This stage is the act of one member of the group (usually the leader [see post “Like a Snake”]) or more, beginning to seriously figure out what they will be doing the day of the event. The “Planning Stage” consists of methods such as, writing down or even just verbally communicating what the main event, travel method, sub-event, and other miscellaneous sections of the day of outing which group members would like to occur. Most events that are not literally been gone through with are stopped here.
Example -> K: “Okay guys! Let’s get planning. So dinner and movie?”
                  T: “How about laser tag and a movie?”
                  A: “No no no, more like movie and another movie!”

4. Organizing
A lot of people have the stages “Planning” and “Organizing” mixed up. They are not synonyms, but in fact are just the physiological and psychological sections of the phases. As the “Planning Stage” is the section that deals with the psychological arrangement of events, the “Organizing Stage” is the sector which deals with the physical enactment of the events occurring. This involves a lot of research. Research involves: transportation, timing, meals, sub-event, main event, etc.
Example ->  A: ”So who has a lift? I need one.”
                   C: “Yeah, I can give you a lift to there.”
                   H: “While you’re at it, can I get one?”
                    J: “Just come take public transport with us K got it organized.”
                    K: “I sure do! It’s for the 02:30pm show!”

5. Event
After the series of steps that has been undertaken, the day of the event arrives. The statistical evidence to the event being a reality is not too high, but when it does, it usually becomes a good experience and time for the group members. Every single person from the group usually has a lot of fun, and ends the event with a big smile.
A limitation to this, is that the person planning it may result in a great deal of stress if there were minor or major complaints throughout the event taking place. This is especially so, when the person mentioned above literally undertakes all sections of planning, with members of the group giving less to no participation in ideas and organizing at all.
Example ->  A: “That was.. AWESOME!”
                   D: “Ha! Look at him dance like that penguin!”
                   C: “I’m joining in too!”

These 5 steps are not guides to how a person should organize and plan for an outing with their friends; but in fact, are steps that occur unintentionally and automatically. Probability of all of these steps being gone through is not as simple as it seems. The individuality of each member of the group can affect the results. Hence, those participating in such situations, should be helpful and not only give ideas to the person planning, but also help them out. If a person is put under positions like the planner, with planning that never gets accomplished, often there is an extremely high chance that they will undergo stages of “mood swings”. The continuation of working along these lines, until someone else temporarily takes over the position to let the first planner to relax, or the position of planner is given to someone else, the ability and will of the original person to attempt or even try with outings like such dramatically decreases. Therefore, adding another human being to the list of alienated individuals of modern day society. 

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Truth about Exams

Exams... The most fearful and frightening word to all students, existing in the English dictionary. Why? Because it is a few hours spent in a large room with a lot more people doing the same test with a result that is nothing but a number which signifies the "amount of work" completed by the student in a year or semester. This article is here to expose the truth about these exams that all students do! 

Simply put, there are only three sections in this article:
1. What is an exam?
2. What does getting a high score mean?
3. What does getting a low score mean?

An exam is basically the method used to test the ability of a student in being able to relearn a semester or year's worth of information and work in a few short days or weeks. From this, we can establish the fact that, to be able to score high in an exam is the ability to have no difficulty in remembering most or all of the semester or year's full of work in a few short weeks or days. On the other hand, that means that not being able to complete an exam in a manner with a high mark, is not the inability to be perceived as being knowledgeable or smart, but the inability to study a whole semester or year's load of work in a few short weeks or days. 

The most accurate method to deciding how a student understands the concepts and ideas of a certain subject, should not be simply based on an exam, but also on things such as interviews (questionnaire when the teacher asks the student questions, looking for an explanation), practical tests (i.e. in chemistry, the actual mixing of chemicals), creativity (e.g. poster making), or any other methods that can be prove the knowledge of the student in the topic, without them having the need to cram and study information within a short period of weeks and/or days. 

Friday, June 11, 2010

Like a Snake

Why this post? It is most definitely different all the other posts I have done, in the sense that this is a more “happy and encouraging” article compared to the rest, which supposedly “discourages” others. Reason behind this, is cause I have no intention of writing posts that are biased in one sense of emotion, and because its just been something I’ve been thinking about since my last post.

Human beings believe in the thought of “wants” and “needs”. “Wants” are the objects or goods that makes life comfortable for humans to live. “Needs” are items or ideas that are essential for humans in order to live normally. Friendship is a need in every human’s life. Some claims that they are able to “alienate” themselves and still be able to live a happy life; however, this is inevitably false. Most of the people who think in this orientation end up having many psychological problems (e.g. stress from not having support to cope with everyday life; distress from being lonely). Simply put, friendship must be present in a person’s life if they were to live healthily and happily.

What is true friendship? True friendship is when you are within a pair or group of people, and everyone in this group shares something in common. This may be anything from the same racial background, similar tastes in fashion, or simply, being in the same class. The purpose of friendship is not only to help people find entertainment in times of boredom (e.g. someone to go watch a movie with, or someone to tell jokes to); but in fact, true friendship is simply the presence of a friend when they need you most. In times of despair or fear, true friends will take a stand and protect or support you, no matter the situation. Those who stand by and let you get hurt are not true friends.

So why is friendship like a snake? Well, this can be discussed by first discussing how a snake works. There are three many sections: the head, body and tail. The snake’s body is designed to be in a state of irreducible complexity (this means that, if one section of the whole figure is missing or malfunctioning, the figure would not function). Similarly, as snakes do not have legs of any type, for them to not have a head, body or tail, it is impossible for them to make any movement at all, despite its efforts. Hence, when there are missing participants within a group causes the full group to have difficult to act “normal”. Of course this only occurs when people are within a group for a long period of time, and suddenly lose one or two members.

Every individual within 2 to a company of friends all have a distinct job, the significance of each person is incomparable by other members of the same pack. The sections are:
- The “head”, or the leader of the faction of people, is the one who makes the decisions. It is practically impossible for the rest of the group to do anything without a leading figure, they would not know what to do. This causes the faction and ‘snake’ to be able to move. The only problem of this is that the leader may become too arrogant and a ‘dictator’ when in charge too much.
- The “tail”, or the supporter of the group, is the one who supports each member of the assembly. This supporter is the more “sensitive” member. They exist in the group to be the one who helps push everyone else forward; they have the knowledge about every single member separately and their needs. They are also the one who reminds the leader to not be too arrogant and become a ‘dictator’.
- The “body”, or the “rest” of the members may not sound important, but are the ‘life of the party’. Without the existence of these members, there will be no leader and no supporter. The centre of the body, the people who make a difference, are none other than this sub-group of the faction.

Therefore, for those who believe that they do not have a place and that they do not matter in their group, they are sadly wrong.

Friday, May 14, 2010

R.I.P. Mr. Common Sense

Not a theory or a thesis, but the truth:

"Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Mr. Common Sense. Mr. Sense had been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape.

He will be remembered as having cultivated such value lessons as knowing when to come in out of the rain, why the early bird gets the worm and that life isn't always fair. Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you earn) and reliable parenting strategies (adults, not kids, are in charge).

His health began to rapidly deteriorate when well intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. - Reports of a six-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition.

Mr. Sense declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer aspirin to a student; but, could not inform the parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion.

Finally, Common Sense lost the will to live as the Ten Commandments became contraband; churches became businesses; and criminals received better treatment than their victims.

Common Sense finally gave up the ghost after a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot, she spilled a bit in her lap, and was awarded a huge financial settlement.

Common Sense was preceded in death by his parents, Truth and Trust, his wife, Discretion; his daughter, Responsibility; and his son, Reason. He is survived by two stepbrothers; My Rights and Ima Whiner.

Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone. If you still remember him, pass this on; if not, join the majority and do nothing."


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Emotions, the Flaws of Humans

Emotions, the Flaws of Humans

There are many deficiencies in a human being, halting them from becoming faultless. These limitations vary from person to person, but the one problem that all humans have, is simply their Emotions. Without emotions, human beings have a higher probability of achieving the ideal state, or at least escaping the disasters that modern day society is built upon. Making a human without any feelings, 'the perfect being'.

All throughout history, many problems have occurred on earth. Natural disasters like tsunamis, earthquakes, monsoons, hurricanes and volcanic eruptions cannot be changed or altered, as they are natural. However, on the other hand, other problems that are man-made could have been avoided. How? By simply deleting the factor that caused them to happen. Emotion. Of course, at this moment in time, there is no way of doing this; however, people can attempt and strive for this state.

Every human in the world is born to have feelings. This sentiment is what drives each person to act as they do.

A playground example: Fred (9 years old) consistently 'bullies' (or jokes around) with Jill (8 years old), by taking her lunch, teasing about her bag, or even pulling her hair. Why does he do this? He does this to gain the attention of Jill. In possession of the knowledge of how the typical young boy's mind works, Fred has a passionate infatuation towards Jill, hence he shows his emotions of this through the act of “annoying” her.

There are many emotions that are present on earth. These include the everyday happiness, sadness, surprised and anger. There are also those occasional occurrences of depression, love, regret and aggression. Emotions that are neglected that also occur include jealousy, sympathy, rage and suffering.

Limitations of Emotions:
Many man-made disasters (such as war) are caused due to the emotions of the people who begin them, and continued by the feelings of those within the disaster.

Historical examples of this includes:
-Lucifer became jealous of God, hence he rebelled, creating the first war ever in the history of the universe (emotion of jealousy)
- Adolf Hitler took Jewish people as prisoners, simply because he despised them (an emotion)
- The Americans sent a nuclear bomb onto Japan, in fear (another emotion).

According to historical references, there is proof that the emotions of people in power is the main cause in the tragedies that occur.

World Without Emotions:
As stated above, the feelings of people are the reasons to why they act accordingly with their emotions. Therefore, the state of emotionless should be the answer to all the problems of earth.

-Emotions are in every human
-Humans act according to these emotions
-The actions of people are damaging to their environment
-Therefore, emotions cause people to act negatively.
The only people who have achieved something similar or even close to this state, are those called “cold-hearted”, “insensitive” and “callous”. Unfortunately, as human beings, this unnatural humane state has many defects as well (e.g. alienation, murderous intent, suicidal thoughts). With this, the only way for people to lose these “defects” is if they have their own will to not apply it to themselves in the first place. These “defects” will be temporary and disappear after a period of time. The temporary status may also apply to the agent’s will of staying emotionless as well, and revert them to “normal humans” with emotions.

The flawed feature of all human beings, their emotions, caused and will continue causing many problems within society. These problems will not cease until the disappearance of human emotion. The day the state of emotionless has been achieved by human beings is the day the world becomes perfect. Perfection in the sense that man-made problems will disappear, even though natural disasters may continue. Thus the flaws of humans are their emotions.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Nightmare

Unlike my other theory, the Outranking Theory, I don't have all those formalities, but I'll just simply put it out. Here goes...

The Nightmare
The Nightmare is the discussion of an expiry date. This expiry date is not on something tangible, yet something intangible (e.g. Memory, it expires as it gets worse). However, unlike memory, this end does not deteriorate and disperse, in fact it just stays the same, and unchangeable. This concept is about nothing less than the need of every human being, relationships.

The hypothesis of The Nightmare is based around no more than one male and one female. These two start to become friends and interact. Their communication and connection brings forth the potential for them to be everlasting close/best friends. 
But, as humans go, feelings (other than friendship) may unfortunately (in some occasions) develop. As these feelings and emotions develop, one (or in rare cases, both) of the participants (usually the male) want to confront the opposition about their newly developed feelings, and plan to take the relationship "to the next level" (I'm sure you guys know what I mean by that). From this point, only a few things will happen, that is:

1) [If both participants develops the same feeling]
One of the participants will confront the other on their feelings, and as the confronted agent knows of their own emotions towards the confronter, they will begin a relationship. 
(if the relationship lasts or not is dependent on the two people)
But usually its Happily Ever After.

2) [If both participants develops the same feeling]
Same result as the one from above, except the confronted participant does not want to "take the risk" of going to the "next level", causing there to be an awkwardness between the two participants for a period of time, until they slowly forget about the incident.

3) [If both participants develops the same feeling]
Slight chance, hardly ever happens though, that both sides will pretend that nothing is going on and that they don't have feelings for each other. This keeps the opposite end continuously guessing, and usually ends up with both sides forgetting about it, or having the occurrence of 1 or 2 (stated above). 

If there's only one of the participants who develops the feeling, there's only two things that will happen:

4) [If only one participant develops a feeling]
One will be that this person confronts the other with his feelings, and then the whole awkward silence period of time begins, stays like that for a while, and then they pretend like nothing ever happened. And th

5) [If only one participant develops a feeling]
The only other option is that this agent keeps the feeling/emotion to himself and well, stays like that. Of course the female will notice that there's something going on, but both sides pretends nothing ever happened. The funniest thing about this, is that sometimes the female begins to develop feelings when the male has moved on. Such a sad ending to it. 

The expiry date occurs when the male doesn't do anything about asking out the female (which is 3 and 5) or is rejected (as in 2 and 4), so that the "love relationship" doesn't develop, meaning that the friendship develops. This bond continues to grow stronger until the relationship is at the point that they become extremely close/best friends, causing the idea of starting to date to be even riskier, and thus abolishing the thought as it definitely won't work out from this point forward. The reason to the abolishment of the idea of the "love relationship" developing, is because by this point, the two parties have too much knowledge about each other. The more you know about someone, the more flaws you notice about them. This causes a greater deal of courage and ignorance to allow the parties to modify the relationship status; therefore, causing the modification to cease.
The only way for these two to ever have a chance of dating in the future, is if they kind of become distanced for a period of time, and then see each other again and having feelings, allowing the expiry date to be renewed.
Thus, ending the thought of The Nightmare. 
I feel complete sorry for all the males within this situation at the moment (and of course the occasional female). But keep this in mind: all guys have been in the same position as you, or will be in the future. Something inevitable to all males, and to some females. This hypothesis may also be simplified as a "one-way crush" or "two-way crush".
I did not state anything about the exceptions of either person already being in a relationship, but *shrug* it might happen.
**this picture is the basic summary of the feeling of someone within "the Nightmare"